What to do in Marrakech

What to do in Marrakesh

Marrakesh is not only busy and hectic, but also one of the most beautiful cities in Morocco. The pink colored Medina (Old Town) has something magical about it that you’ll recognize as soon as you enter. The serene gardens of riads (guest houses) and towering cafe terraces with spectacular views can be found just around the corner from the endless and busy souks. It’s easy to get lost in Marrakech, but it’s the only way to fully explore it. Even if you have only one day in Marrakesh to spend, you shouldn’t miss it for the world!.

marakech sahat jame3 lfna

What’s the best time to visit Marrakesh

As one of the most touristic cities in Morocco, Marrakesh is busy all year round. And while it can be a great place to visit from autumn to late spring, especially if you want to escape cold European winters, you’d better skip it during the summer. Summer temperatures can really go extremely high, and the heat can be almost unbearable..

One day in Marrakesh

Make the most of your trip by following this guide, even if you’re short on time. During your one day in Marrakesh, these are the most popular sights and things to do.

Drink a fresh mint tea

In Marrakesh, drink fresh mint tea instead of coffee in the morning. There is no bar or restaurant that doesn’t serve it, and even if your hotel offers breakfast, the tea will still be there. Moroccans have the whole procedure of preparing mint tea, so don’t be surprised when you see them pouring your tea from a pot that’s high above the glass – they do it to make the tea foam.

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Explore the Bahia Palace’s gardens

Another must-see while in Marrakesh is the amazing gardens and fountains of the Bahia Palace. The architectural elements and colorful ornaments that are typical of traditional Moroccan architecture make them quite spectacular. The palace was built from 1884-1900, designed by El Mekki, a Moroccan architect, on behalf of the Grand Vizier BA Ahmed Ben Moussa said Hmad. This masterpiece of Islamic and Moroccan style was produced by the top workers and craftsmen of the country. This place is a great place to take some great photos.

Spend some time on the Jemaa El Fna square

Jemaa El Fna is a lively square and the busiest place in Marrakesh. There is nothing you won’t find here. Food and spice stalls, souvenirs and storytellers, henna tattoo spots, snakes, monkeys, dozens of cafes and restaurants – it’s all there. As a tourist, expect a lot of attention from vendors and remember that everything they do, they do to sell. The square is a great place to people watch, just sit on one of the many terraces overlooking the square and enjoy the buzzing and amazing atmosphere.

marakech sahat jame3 lfna
Check out the area around Koutoubia Mosque

Koutubia Mosque is the largest mosque in Marrakesh with the traditional minaret tower built in Almohad style. This tower became one of the main landmarks of Marrakesh. And while the mosque itself is not really open to non-Muslims, you shouldn’t miss checking out the area around it. Besides the square in the front of the mosque, there is a nice lush park next to it which is a great place to rest for a bit and people watch.

travel in morocco dailymoroccovacation.com

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