Best time to explore Morocco

Morocco is located on the north-western tip of the African continent and offers beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. It is also a civilization with a millennial history, where the four famous royal cities still stay as they once were. In the old city, visitors will have a unique travel experience since thousands of years.

The southern part of Morocco is connected to the Sahara Desert, making it one of the best destinations for excursions into the Sahara. Since Morocco’s different topographical features cause it to be distributed with a variety of climates, it is particularly important to choose the time to take a Morocco trip.

Morocco Climate:

Morocco has three different types of climatic distribution. The north part is a Mediterranean climate, with warm and dry summers and mild and humid winters. The central part has an subtropical mountain climate. 

This climate is mild and moist all year round, and changes depending on altitude. The eastern and southern parts are desert climates with an average annual temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius. Annual rainfall amounts to less than 250 mm, but less than 100 mm in the south.

Recommended Time to Visit

Morocco is referred to as the “North African Garden”. The Atlas Mountains, which run diagonally across the country, keep out the heat of the Sahara Desert in the south, while the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean to the northwest bring moisture to the area. This makes most of Morocco have a nice climate all year round with lush and scenic flowers and trees. 

So, the best seasons to take Morocco tours are spring and autumn, that is, March to June, and September to October. June to September is the summer in Morocco, which is hot and dry. 

This heat and drought is greatly increased if the Sahara Desert region is on your itinerary. So, if you want to travel to Morocco during the summer, make sure you have shade and good sun protection. 

From October until March is the rainy season in the coastal zones. This period of the year is wetter and cooler in Morocco, which is not suitable for travel. If you want to travel to Morocco this season, you should definitely bring some rainwear and a jacket.

Best Time to Visit the Best City

  1. Marrakech

Marrakech is built on the edge of the Sahara Desert. It is a semi-arid climate with warm and humid winters and hot and dry summers. Although it is surrounded by neither trees nor rivers, the city presents a rich oasis of tropical desert scenery. Citrus trees, olive trees, palm trees, and other fruit trees are lush and vibrant. 

Because of the warm climate and beautiful environment, King Hassan II often spent the winter here. The temperature from March to June and September to December is 18 to 25 degrees Celsius. 

You can choose to play around the Sahara Desert. While June to September is hotter, with a large difference in temperature between day and night. It is recommended to visit the city buildings. 

While you’re here, you can’t miss the Berber market. When night falls, you will feel as if you have entered a fantasy world rich in Arabian colors.

  1. Chefchaouen

Chefchaouen is a city located in the northwest of Morocco, which is situated on the Mediterranean coast. It has a Mediterranean climate with mild seasons. 

The most suitable season to visit Chefchaouen is spring and autumn. In Chefchaouen, the doorways, steps and walls of most houses are painted blue. It is a kind of blue that belongs to the beauty of the deep mountains. 

When you are deep in them, you will surely be fascinated by them. It is recommended to hike in Chefchaouen. You can visit Medina, which is an old town full of rich Arab customs. 

There are also many handicraft shops in Medina, where you can definitely choose your favorite souvenirs. In addition to this, you can also enjoy a panoramic view of the entire city from the Spanish Mosque. At dusk, you can see a superb sunset scene here, with the afterglow spilling over the beautiful town. If you come with your lover, it must be very romantic.

  1. Casablanca

Famous for its movie of the same name, Casablanca is the largest city in Morocco. Casablanca means “White House” in Spanish. Most of the buildings in the whole city are white with traditional Moroccan elements. 

The best time to travel to Casablanca is from July to October. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean, and the infinite blue sky and water make it feel like a fairyland on earth. The fine sandy beaches stretching north and south for dozens of kilometers add endless fun to your trip. 

You can also see neat and tall rows of palm trees and orange trees in a unique and attractive environment. Mosque Hassan II is a scenic spot worth visiting, which is the third largest mosque in the world. 

One-third of its area is built on the sea, and it can accommodate 100,000 people to pray at the same time.

  1. Merzouga

Merzouga is not only a small village in the southeast of Morocco, but also the entrance of Morocco into the Sahara Desert. It is a tropical desert climate, mainly characterized by dryness and heat all year round. 

There is a big temperature difference between day and night in the desert. During the day, you should pay attention to sun protection in the desert and try to avoid direct exposure of your skin to the sun. And you need to keep warm at night. 

You can ride a camel or take an off-road vehicle deep into the desert. Desert camping is an activity you must experience. There are many tents in the desert, you can choose one of them to start your camping trip. 

During the daytime, you can go to the desert where there are many good places for taking pictures. After that, you can visit the highest Chebbis Hill in the Sahara Desert. The view will surely make you unforgettable. 

At night, there will be bonfire parties in the desert. You can sing and dance with the enthusiastic locals.

  1. Rabat

Rabat is not only the capital of Morocco, but also a city with a predominantly white color scheme. Rabat is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and has a number of beachfront bathing areas, making it a great place for summer vacation. It has a typical Mediterranean climate with mild and rainy weather throughout the year. 

The best time to visit Rabat is from April to September. This city has many historical and cultural relics. The Palais Royal, the Mausoleum of Mohammed V, the Kasbah of the Udayas, and the Citadel of Chellah are some of the most popular attractions for tourists. 

The Palais Royal was built in 1785 and is a typical Arabian palace complex. There are five kinds of troops in different colors standing guard at its gate, which has become a unique view of Palais Royal.

  1. Fez

Fez was the first Arab city to be established in Morocco for over 2,800 years and is considered one of the holy places of Islam. Fez is known for its old town with over 9,000 streets interspersed throughout the city. 

The narrow streets are filled with traditional handicraft workshops, the most prestigious of which are leather-dyeing workshops, copper plates, carpets and handmade mosaics. It has a semi-arid climate with low annual rainfall and the best time to visit is spring and autumn. The ancient Fez has left many historical and cultural sites in the world. 

Jamia Qarawiyyin, recognized as the first university in the world, still has many believers who come from afar to study and worship here. 

When you come to Fez, you will find that it seems like you have broken into a country that looks like a rainbow. With colorful shoes and hats, shiny brass and silver jewelry, freshly baked food and squeezed juice, you can feel the strong African flavor.

What to Wear in Morocco?

Morocco is hot in summer, so summer clothes are fine. As it is necessary to respect the customs of Arab countries, do not wear clothes that are too revealing or casual. 

Especially in the central and southern mountainous areas or in the desert, where the local people are conservative, both men and women should pay attention to the dress code, such as not wearing shorts, short skirts, or sleeveless undershirts. The best dress code is a breathable half-sleeve T-shirt with knee-length pants and a long skirt for women. 

If you want to visit the mosque, women need to cover their hair with gauze and wear trousers with long sleeves, while men also need trousers with half sleeves. 

The climate is mild in winter, with an average temperature of 12 degrees Celsius in January. However, the temperature difference between morning and evening in mountainous and desert areas is large, and the lowest temperature at night in the desert may be close to 0 degrees Celsius, so you need to bring a thicker jacket. 

Morocco is exposed to strong ultraviolet rays, so you need to pay attention to sun protection. If you enter the desert, you need to prepare a scarf to keep out the wind and sand.


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